A Unique Collaboration – How a Top Med School Student And A Wine Accessory Importer Teamed Up To Create The Best ACT Test Prep Company On The Market

Arthur Morgan, owner of wine-n-gear and California Champagne Saber Company, and Alex Aabedi, Owner of CurveSetter, MCAT Prep 528, and an MD Candidate and researcher in the Department of Neurosurgery at UCSF School of Medicine, started off as something much simpler – best friends.
Roommates at UCLA, and studying and working in completely different spheres – Alex In tutoring and Arthur in Wholesale Wine Accessory imports – the two always knew a time would come where their separate talents would lend themselves to creating something entirely unique.
After a year of collaboration, course formulation, and peer testing, The Strium Self-Paced ACT Course by 36 Prep has officially released.
Let’s delve into how the unique backgrounds of the creator’s lent themselves to creating what is now the most cost-effective and results-oriented ACT course on the market.
A Tutoring And Test Prep Veteran
Alex Aabedi is what some would call a learning economy wiz kid. Curvesetter Tutoring, his initial product, has now helped 1,000’s of students (from 8th Grade Math to University Upper Division Classes) achieve their goals of boosting their GPA and end-grade. With the highest customer feedback rating in the online tutoring industry, Alex took what he had learned from one-on-one tutoring and launched MCAT Prep 528, an online self-paced MCAT course (Medical School Entrance Exam) that has now helped over 250 students achieve their goals of reaching med school. With Strium, by 36 Prep, Alex has taken everything he has learned over the past 6 years and created his most competent and results-oriented course yet.
An E-Commerce Expert
Arthur Morgan took the same concepts that made wine-n-gear the top direct wine accessory importer in the US wine industry and applied them directly to Strium by 36 Prep. Before wine-n-gear the Wine Industry lacked a direct, easy access website to purchase logo branded wine accessories at wholesale prices. Due to an easily navigable UI, a convenient Wholesale E-Commerce check out process, and industry leading customer service and live chat, wine-n-gear shifted the paradigm of what Wholesale ordering looked like. That same approach that worked for wine-n-gear is now working for Strium. Customers can purchase their course online via an easy check out and then access the course anywhere, on the go, at any time. Industry leading customer service and customer review averages are of course the standard.
The “X Factor”
In order to design Strium Arthur and Alex teamed up with RJ Schreck – a 19-year old freshman at Duke University – who achieved a perfect score (36) on the ACT. RJ Schreck led the course content creation process, reverse engineering the test into its smallest parts – questions types – before breaking down how to approach each question type. The 20+ hours of content RJ created covers the full ACT Test and is the definitive guide to cracking the ACT. No other course on the market is built 100% from the ground up by a perfect scorer. Especially one as relatable as RJ Schreck, just one-year removed from being a senior in High School.
Learn more about CurveSetter.
To read the coverage 36 Prep received from The Index Tribune Click here.