Celebrate Special Moments with Customizable Cigarware
Life is about moments, especially the ones that take our collective breath away. Over the years, cigars have become a sign that a special moment is occurring. Having the necessary tools to celebrate appropriately makes the moment even better.
Celebrating Success
People have been celebrating with tobacco for generations. In the Victorian times, cigars became a celebratory item connected to wealth and power. Men smoked cigars to celebrate victorious business moments, as the slow burn allowed them to relax and enjoy their success, grand opening, IPO, or promotion at work.
Enjoying a Wedding
Along with celebrating success, cigars are associated with weddings. Smoking a cigar with the wedding party has become as common as celebrating with champagne toasts. What was once an activity reserved only for men has grown to include the entire wedding party, bridesmaids and all.
Traditions at a Birth
Eventually, men used cigars to calm their nerves when their wives were having babies. Until recently, men were not allowed into the birthing room, so they would often pace outside of the room until they heard the newborn cry. To calm their nerves, they would drink their favorite liquor and smoke a cigar.
Today, the cigar has become a signal of celebration. The cigar band can be blue or pink to show the child’s gender, and men often pass them out to their buddies to commemorate becoming a father. Women are also joining the celebration by partaking in a few puffs, too – just not inside the hospital.
Celebrating with the Best Cigar Tools
At wine-n-gear, we know how to celebrate. We offer a full line of champagne and wine accessories for all of the special moments in life. We understand that celebratory beverages go hand-in-hand with celebratory cigars, which is why we are expanding our catalog to offer cigarware, like our three-piece luxury cigar gift set.
It comes with a stainless steel cigar cutter, butane jet-flame lights, and an attractive ashtray. All items come packaged in a portable gift box. We offer the set in stainless steel, rose gold, black metal, and gun metal. To create an exceptionally memorable gift, we can laser engrave the tools and pad print on the gift box.
This set is a perfect gift to give to celebrate a grand opening, a promotion, a new baby, or a wedding. We can engrave the set with brand messaging, special dates, congratulatory messages, and names. Your friends, colleagues, or loved ones will appreciate the gift and remember your special moments together every time they use it.