
Ah So Wine Opener and Corkscrew Project – Sullivan Rutherford Estates

Sullivan Rutherford Estates approached us recently with a custom “Ah So” (also known as Butler’s Friend) Two-Prong Corkscrew project. One of their wine club shipments going out had the theme of “Vintage Wine” – and what better way to enunciate the theme than to include a custom branded “Sullivan Rutherford Estates” Ah So Corkpuller.

“Ah So’s” are generally used for older vintage wines. The reason? The dual prong mechanism grips the cork and extracts it without having to drill into the cork like a corkscrew. This is an advantage when talking about older wines that may have brittle corks. 

Originally Sullivan wanted to proceed with our Bamboo Corkpuller, in a Black Carton GiftBox, and with the “Sullivan” logo laser engraved in the bamboo wood.

After viewing samples of all three colors of our “Ah So” – Bamboo Wood, Black ABS Plastic, and Chrome Stainless Steel (and seeing mock ups of all three variations) Sullivan decided to proceed with the Chrome Corkpuller featuring double sided (different) laser engraved logos. (Wine-n-gear does not charge for laser engraving or for dual sided laser engraving, so why not take advantage?) Sullivan also proceeded with the Black Carton GiftBox with Goil Foil Hot-Stamped Logo.

Black Plastic

To go with the “Ah So” Corkpuller Sullivan Rutherford Estates also wanted a corkscrew (for those non-vintage wines). While they initially looked into the Pulltap’s Premium Gunmetal (pictured below) they ultimately decided on the Pocket Prestige by Coutale Sommelier (this was after seeing samples).

Pulltap’s Premium Gunmetal:

The Premium Collection Corkscrew Gunmetal

We mocked up both the Naturalwood and the Blackwood Pocket Prestige with Sullivan ultimately deciding to proceed with the Naturalwood in a Black Carton GiftBox that would match their “Ah So’s.” Ultimately this project came out great and was a pleasure to work on. The aesthetics and sophistication of the “Sullivan Rutherford Estates” seems to be reflected in the Wine Accessories we’ve delivered, and in the end, that’s our greatest achievement.

Pocket Prestige Corkscrew Blackwood
Pocket Prestige Corkscrew Naturalwood

View our “Ah So” Corkpullers.
View the Coutale Sommelier Pocket Prestige.

Arthur @ wine-n-gear