
The Importance of Promotional Products To A Winery’s Bottom Line

Imagine this – you’re the owner of a Napa Winery just off of the St. Helena Highway. A couple visiting the Napa Valley comes in – they’re from Louisiana and come once a year to the wine country to taste and bring home some wines. They purchase 6 bottles on their way out and your tasting rooms packages the wine in a nondescript cardboard box. You never see the client again.

Now Imagine this – you package 2 of the bottles in a custom wine tote with your winery logo. The other four bottles are packaged in a logo-branded wood wine crate (the wine is an expensive vintage). Back in Louisiana the couple uses the Wine Crate as a decorative piece in their home and the reusable wine tote is used to bring wine to their friend’s homes and back.

Next year, the couple returns to try more wines. They haven’t forgotten the brand, or how much they enjoyed the wine, even though the wine itself has long been drank.

Custom Wine Totes

Herein lies the value of promotional products. Promotional products are valuable in numerous ways – they give a brand a certain level of professionalism – imagine a tasting room manager wearing a brand-embroidered North Face Vest vs. a regular Nirvana T-Shirt – but even more so than this, they give a brand long-term client recall. Acquiring clients is hard enough. Once they’ve been acquired, the most important factor is keeping the client loyal and engaged to the brand. When client acquisition cost is high, like it is in the varied Wine Country’s across the US, the importance of keeping a client within a Wine Club ecosystem through brand recall becomes especially poignant.

At wine-n-gear we offer Wine AccessoriesApparel, and Promotional Merchandise to fulfill all aspects of Promotional Product brand management. 

Our custom embroidered and silk-screened apparel keeps staff and employees in professional logoed clothing while doubling as a POS item for a gift shop, tasting room, or Wine Club gift Incentive.


The same can be said of our varied wine accessories. We offer French CorkscrewsWine GrowlersSpanish Pulltap’sAh So’s and more. These make great POS items, brand promotional items to give to distributors, or wine club gifts.

We source, manufacture, and bespoke-build everything else. Need custom wine totes, wood wine boxes, wine roller bags, or acrylic wine glasses? Done. Need any other merchandise for your gift shop or as a Holiday giveaway, just reach out to us.

Wood Wine Box

At wine-n-gear we’ve been trusted with managing the wine accessory and merchandise brand-image of wineries since 2007. We’ve grown a lot in that time but our focus has always remained the same: offering high-end promotional items at a cost-effective value that will boost a Winery’s bottom line and end ROI.

 We can’t wait to work with you.